Another slow start to the week. I really have to get out of the habit of having lazy starts and trying to make it up towards the end! Did the usual spinning class with Alan, the gym instructor on Wednesday. Extremely tough as always... Did the usual bis/tris combo that day too. Took Thursday off as I was too busy with college and did another spinning class on Friday. Same sort of thing except I was feeling much better. Really pushed out all of the intervals and never let up. Picked up my Trinity Cycling kit off Tom before the class so got to test ride it too. It's very nice kit. Has the red and black TCD colours with a load of sponsors. The jersey is mostly lycra which is kinda weird. Gonna have to work on the core before race season starts proper! On Saturday I got out to do a race pace lap of Ballinastoe. Took the descents as quick as I could and the climbs at a steady pace to finish in 50minutes. Seem to have the speed for racing, its just my endurance and core strength I have to work on. Kinda got my training arse ways in that regard but nothing I can do about that now! Had to study and go to watch Belvo lose to Blackrock today. Huge pity but they did better that I thought they would.
Plan for this week is to stay at home and study for exams that are next week. Not looking forward to a couple of them one bit! Hopefully will get some steady rides in between studying. I've scheduled another college ride this Saturday to Djouce. Reckon I will put the 'beginners' through their paces on some proper trails after their easy time in Kindelstown and Ballinastoe. Might lose my 'no beginners dead' record in the process though! That will be a really good chance to have a sneaky look at the course for 'The Djouce Challenge' which is being run on Sunday. After an awful ride at it last year, I'll be hoping to rectify things on my new steed. Will post a review of her and some pics when I get a chance.
Scrivo - do you find yerself sweating like a piggy in spinning class? I'm in floods after a couple of mins, while everyone else in the class are cool as cucumbers. I put it down to them being wimps and keeping the resistance low...
ReplyDeleteYeah... Proper puddle under me afterwards. Yeah I put it down to wuss' in my class too. They love just trotting along, letting the wheel turn their cranks while I'm there barely able to turn the cranks even with all of my weight!