Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lazy Bike Week

Had a complete week off the bike due to exam and to be honest, a bit of laziness. Had a good business exam on Monday, decent economics exam on Tuesday and decentish stats exam on Thursday. Tomorrow is the Djouce Challenge which I am really looking forward to. This has been set as a 'fun type event' but from experience from last year, most still bate off the front hoping for a win! I know most of the trails that will be on the 20km course which should work favourably for me. One of them, which has named 'The Secret Trail' (it wont be so secret after the race!) has to be one of the most technical and enjoyable trails I have ever ridden. Can't wait to ride it in race mode! Will be all or nothing I reckon...

After the last couple of weeks of poor/non existant training, I'm hoping just to have a steady race. Not expecting a decent result whatsoever but if I can get down Ecstacy and Benchcut well, it could set me up well for the rest of the course.

So the good news- two full weeks off college! I've secured a job in my Dad's work moving old parts from the old premesis to the new one. Gonna be a lonely, boring job but I should be able to flexible with my time so I can get out and practice starts and do some serious intervals on Monday, Wednesday and maybe something different on Thursday depending on how tired I feel. Little bit aprehensive about NPS1 next weekend as I don't think my endurance is up to much. Tomorrow will give me a better idea of what is needed to make the rest of the season more successful or for however long I'll be around for!

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