Sunday, February 8, 2009

Phat Weekend

Well not exactly phat, more FAT... did a very tough turbo training session on Saturday. Think the harder you go, the quicker it seems to go. Started with a 5min warm up then went into ten minutes of 1 min hard, 1 min easy. Then did 5 mins spinning and into 2 mins on, 1 off for 20 mins. Then moved onto 3mins on and 1.5 off. Took another 5 mins easy before going into 2 long intervals at a lesser resistance to the previous ones. Finished with a 5min warm down to round out the hour. That's where the training ended for the weekend unfortunately! This snow is really wrecking my 'get savage or die trying' buzz. It's supposed to be getting warmer this week so hopefully I can take out my new Race bike

Ate lots and drank a few beers over the weekend. I blame the snow for it though. Turbo trainer doesn't motivate me to eat well like the mtb. Fingers crossed for mtbing this week but I bet it'll be the turbo trainer and 3000 words on the 'battle between capital versus talent raging on' Can't wait to get the final bit of the new bike put together bling grips Tom also gave me a call last night to tell me he picked up TCD's new Commencal Supreme DH!! All these deadly bikes and no trails to ride them!!

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