Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Intervarsity Report

The intervarsities are always important. They show the college that they're not funding us for nothing and it's a great way to pay them back for all the support they give by winning it. With this, I put down a good 10 weeks of training prior to Sunday in the hope of retaining my title.

After a really good warm up, I was feeling great and went off very fast from the gun. As it was just one lap (half of the race distance/time I usually do) I knew I could go all out without the fear of fizzling out. I rode at my limit for the first half of the lap and enjoyed the second half having chats with people as I went. I was delighted to finish in first and under 50minutes which is a PB for me in the 'stoe.

A huge thanks has to go to Niall Davis in Biking.ie. He always runs a great race and undertaking the running of the varsities is very cool of him. The next race is Blitz Round 2 in Ballyhoura in two weeks. I'm looking forward to it already!

The money shot!

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