After a couple of boring snow days, I've decided to create a blog. I don't know why really. Just something more to do and I can stop stalking Ryan's, Richie's, Mel's and Fergal's for a while!
Submitted my Tragedy of the Commons and collective action essay today. Not amazing, could have done with more actual sources and not just the ones I said I used in the bibliography! Should get a decent enough mark. Handily I could submit it using so I had the day free to do, nothing! Finally got off my ass at about 4 and did an interval session on the turbo trainer. Not as bad as usual with the snow breeze coming in the door. However boring the TT is, I always feel like I've sweated out all booze and pizzas especially after a rough Super Bowl the other night!
So, I think this will be the general format of my blog. Ramblings of what I do and what I think. Watching the afternoon show today (yeah I know, that lame!!) strenghtened by hatred for Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh. She's just such a know it all and a crap interviewer. It's cringe worthy how little she listens to her guests and constantly talks over them with her arrogant 'my thoughts are more important than yours'. Coupled with her annoying Gaeilge pushing and you have a frustrated Scrivo!
Plans for this evening include doing something with the lads. Maybe go to the cinema. Not up for going sledding again just yet! Will let the swelling go down (had to bail out before hitting a fence on the local hill last night) in my hand first. Tom was talking about some DH action in Cloon tomorrow but I can't see that happening with this continuing heavy snow!
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